About our intellectual team at Intellect

За 25 години обучихме над 70 000 ученици, направихме свои клиенти едни от най-големите компании в България и Европа, създадохме екип от мотивирани и усмихнати преподаватели и затвърдихме фирменото си кредо “Учи с удоволствие!“.

  • English for children and adults
  • Individual, group and online training
  • Systematic approach, complete course report
23 years teaching experience

Our Mission

At Intellect, we believe that language learning is more than just acquiring new vocabulary skills; it is looking at the world, discovering diverse cultures and traditions, and encouraging intercultural dialogue. Correctness, accuracy, and professionalism are at the core of our philosophy and educational methodology. These values guide us in every aspect of our work, ensuring that every student receives the highest quality education, supported by dedicated teachers who share our passion for language learning.

Our main task is to provide consistent, high-quality training that meets the individual needs of each of our students. In a world of rapid change and global communication, our mission is to provide knowledge and skills that help people connect, understand and enrich each other.

Our motto is "Study with pleasure!". We truly believe that the best results come when they are accompanied by that slight feeling of happiness, a smile and a sense of progress.

This is also what we want for each of our students.

This is also the way we work every day.

Maximum Effort for Top Results

We do the best we can every day.

Modern methodology for teaching foreign languages

Learning a foreign language will give you the opportunity to meet new worlds and people, improve your communication skills and feel comfortable anywhere in the world.

Interactive learning technologies

The best time to start learning a foreign language is Today. No matter what the number of years, it's never too late to start developing your Intellect.

Individual approach to each learner

Learning a foreign language will give you the opportunity to meet new worlds and people, improve your communication skills and feel comfortable anywhere in the world.

Track our progress

The best time to start learning a foreign language is today.

"20 years Intellect"

The best time to start learning a foreign language is today.

What do people think of us?

Our customers are our mirror. It is extremely important for us to receive sincere feedback about training with us.

Client who has completed training in

German, B1.2

I have no recommendations, you are great. You've achieved optimal workload with two visits a week. The volume of new material is also optimal. For the class end time, if we have questions there is an extension of a few minutes which is a positive. Sorry I didn't find you sooner.

Client who has completed training in

English, A2

The most useful thing was that we communicated mainly in English, we had the opportunity to listen and practice speaking.

Client who has completed training in

German, A1.2

The most useful for me were the presentations and additional materials made by my teacher. The only tutor I have ever had who really took my individual needs into consideration and didn't teach in a cookie cutter way.

Client who has completed training in

English, B2

Every lesson was useful and taught with interest for me.

Client who has completed training in

German, A1.1

The course was fulfilling and most importantly I learned new things and remembered old ones. :) Thank you for everything, I wish you health and success!

Client who has completed training in

English, B1

Everything was helpful - the explanations of the rules, the grammar exercises, the reading comprehension tests.

Take a free placement test

Did you know that you can check your language level quite casually? This is our gift for every person who wants to measure their language level.

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