European Framework of Reference for Languages levels

Level А1

Listening Comprehension
I can understand familiar words and commonly used expressions related to me, my family and specifically my immediate surroundings when spoken slowly and distinctly.

I can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example in advertisements, posters or catalogues.

Speaking and participating in conversation
I can communicate in a simple way, provided that the interlocutor is willing to repeat or more slowly rephrase what is said and help me express what I am trying to say. I can ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics or about what I need immediately.

Individual oral presentation
I can use simple expressions and sentences to describe where I live and the people I know.

I can write a short simple text on a postcard (for example from a holiday). I can fill in my personal details on a questionnaire (for example: my name, nationality and address on a hotel form).

Level А2

Listening Comprehension
I can understand the most frequently used words and expressions related to what affects me most directly /basic information about me, my family, purchases, immediate surroundings, work/. I can grasp what is important in short and clear announcements and messages.

I can read short and very simple texts. I can find precise and predictable information in common texts such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables. I can understand short and simple personal letters.

Speaking and participating in conversation
I can communicate in the performance of simple and common tasks that require only an easy and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. I can participate with short cues, even if I don't understand enough to have a generally coherent conversation.

Individual oral presentation
I can use a set of sentences or phrases to describe in simple terms my family and other people, my living conditions, my education and my current and previous professional activities.

I can write short and simple notes and messages. I can write a simple personal letter, for example, to express gratitude to someone.

Level B1

Listening Comprehension
I can understand the essentials when clear and standard language is used and it is about familiar topics related to work, school, leisure, etc. I can grasp the essentials from various radio and TV current affairs programmes or topics that interest me personally or professionally when spoken relatively slowly and clearly.

I can understand texts written mostly in everyday language or relating to my work. I can understand descriptions of events, expressions of feelings and wishes in personal letters.

Speaking and participating in conversation
I can handle most situations where I find myself in a country where the language is spoken. I can participate without prior preparation in conversations on topics that are familiar to me, of personal interest to me, or relevant to my daily life /e.g. family, leisure, work, travel, current affairs/.

Individual oral presentation
I can express myself in a simple way to tell experiences and events, my dreams, hopes or goals. I can briefly state reasons and give explanations for my opinions or intentions. I can narrate an incident, book or film and express my attitude.

I can write a simple related text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest to me. I can write personal letters to describe experiences and impressions.

Level B2

Listening Comprehension
I can understand a relatively long lecture or speech and even follow a complex argument if the topic is relatively familiar to me. I can understand TV shows and movies without much difficulty.

I can read articles and reports on contemporary topics in which the authors express a particular attitude or point of view. I can understand a contemporary fiction text in prose.

Speaking and participating in conversation
I can communicate with a certain casualness and ease that allows me normal contact with an authentic native speaker. I can participate actively in conversation on familiar topics, presenting and defending my opinions.

Individual oral presentation
I can express myself clearly and at length on a wide range of topics that match my interests. I can develop my point of view on a topical issue and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different options.

I can write clear and detailed texts on a wide range of topics that match my interests. I can write an essay or report, conveying information or giving reasons for or against an opinion. I can write letters highlighting the meaning I personally attach to events and experiences.

Level C1

Listening Comprehension
I can understand long speech even when it is not clearly structured and the logical connections are not clearly named. I can understand TV shows and movies without much effort.

I can understand long and complex non-fiction and fiction texts and judge their stylistic features. I can understand specialist articles and long technical instructions even when they are not related to my field of work.

Speaking and participating in conversation
I can express myself casually and freely with no apparent difficulty in choosing my words. I can use language flexibly and effectively for social or professional contacts. I can express my ideas and opinions accurately and relate my statements to those of my interlocutors.

Individual oral presentation
I can make clear and detailed descriptions of complex issues, including related topics, elaborating on certain points, and concluding my speech appropriately.

I can produce clear and well-structured text and present my point of view. I can write on complex topics in a letter, essay or report, highlighting the essential points for me. I can choose a style appropriate to the respondent.

Ниво C2

Listening Comprehension
I can understand spoken language without any difficulty, both in direct communication and on the media, and when spoken quickly, provided I have time to get used to the peculiarities of pronunciation.

I can effortlessly read any kind of text, even one that is abstract or complex in content or form, such as a textbook, specialized article, or literary work.

Speaking and participating in conversation
I can effortlessly participate in any conversation or discussion and use idiomatic and colloquial expressions fluently. I can express myself freely and accurately convey the nuances of my thought. If I encounter a difficulty, I find a way out of the situation skillfully so that others do not notice.

Individual oral presentation
I can present a clear and smooth description or argument in a style appropriate to the context. I can construct a logical statement, and help the listener to grasp and remember the important points.

I can produce clear, smooth and stylistically appropriate text. I can write complex letters, reports or articles with a clear structure so that the reader grasps and remembers the essentials. I can summarize and analyze professional texts or a work of fiction.