Общи курсове
English File Upper-intermediate sets clear objectives from the start of the course in terms of language skills and accuracy of expression. The level offers a wide variety of opportunities to improve language in a dynamic environment. By having fun, you will achieve the higher grammar and vocabulary objectives. You will also meet a new challenge - interviews in authentic street language not adapted from the textbook authors.
Урок 1 | |
Преговор на образуването на въпроси с инверсия. Спомагателни глаголи. | 180 мин. |
Сегашно перфектно просто и сегашно перфектно продължително. | 180 мин. |
Текущ тест към урок 1 | 20 мин. |
Урок 2 | |
Използване на прилагателни като съществителни имена. | 160 мин. |
Разказвателни времена, мин. перфектно продължително, конструкции – so …, that/such… that | 180 мин. |
Наречия за време, място и начин – употреби и изключения. Употреба на минали времена. Разказване на история. | 180 мин. |
Текущ тест към урок 2. | 20 мин. |
Урок 3 | |
Страдателен и деятелен залог - употреби, изключения и особености. | 160 мин. |
Бъдеще перфектно и бъдеще продължително време – употреби, особености и изключения | 180 мин. |
Бъдеще време, конструкции със likely и probably. | 180 мин. |
Изразяване на мнение. Лексика за описание. | 180 мин. |
Текущ тест към урок 3 | 20 мин. |
Преговор | |
Практически упражнения. | 160 мин. |
Междинен тест /урок 1-4/ | 180 мин. |
Урок 4 | |
Условни изречения от нулев и първи тип – употреба, особености и изключения.Минали модални глаголи – употреби, особености и изключения. | 180 мин. |
Минали модални глаголи – употреби, особености и изключения. | 180 мин. |
Глаголи за осезание; Идиоматични изрази. | 180 мин. |
Текущ тест към урок 4 | 20 мин. |
Урок 5 | |
Глагол – употреба на инфинитив и герундий – употреба, особености и изключения. | 160 мин. |
Условни изречения от втори и трети тип – употреби, особености и употреби. | 180 мин. |
Пряка и непряка реч – особености. Писане на официално писмо. | 180 мин. |
Изразяване на навици в минало време. Употреба на used to, be used to, get used to. | 180 мин. |
Текущ тест към урок 5 | 20 мин. |
Урок 6 | |
Броими и неброими същ.имена. Have something done. | 180 мин. |
Определителен и неопределителен член. | 160 мин. |
Видове местоимения.Неопределителни местоимения. Писане на доклад. | 180 мин. |
Текущ тест към урок 6 | 20 мин. |
Урок 7 | |
Конструкции след wish. Подчинени изречения за съпоставяне и цел. | 160 мин. |
Подчинени подложни изрчения. Есе на тема „за и против”. Основен преговор. | 180 мин. |
Текущ тест към урок 7 | 20 мин. |
Практически упражнения. | 160 мин. |
Основен преговор. | 180 мин. |
Междинен тест /урок 5-7/ | 180 мин. |
Финален тест. | 180 мин. |
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This app is made entirely for you. You'll have reminders for every homework or test and never miss a new one.
Keep track of all your assignments and don't miss an opportunity to show what you've learned. We try to give you as much value and motivation as possible
Intellect Word! is a proprietary linguistic development program based on the principles of the SuperMemo+ space repetition model, in symbiosis with the works of Tony Buzan and Pimsleur, developed and built in Fibonacci's golden section. The research, production and implementation of the Intellect Word! project is the result of many years of work by the RND department of Intellect Schools.
We will remember and track your knowledge, allowing the words in your memory to be retold at the right moment.
In our practice of over 23+ years, we have found that there are two types of people: those who learn from the language they are more familiar with and those who learn from the language that is new to them.
Start learning words nowOur customers are our mirror. It is extremely important for us to receive sincere feedback about training with us.
English, A2
The most useful thing was that we communicated mainly in English, we had the opportunity to listen and practice speaking.
English, A1
I would like to thank the whole team for the opportunity to learn English. Very honest and kind women. The lady is a very high level teacher. I'm glad I came across her and she stimulated me to continue learning the language. Special congratulations for the organization of the classes and the learning system. Enjoyable lessons that give you the knowledge you need.
English, B2
I find the practical orientation very helpful, as well as all the supplementary materials the teacher provides.
English, B1
I would like to express my immense gratitude to my tutor, thank you for your professional attitude, patience and calmness. I was very comfortable throughout, I felt no anxiety and things happened with ease. I am also grateful for the invaluable advice and support and I would like to say that the training was very useful for me. I would recommend Intellect to anyone interested in language training. Thank you once again.
Bulgarian Spelling and Punctuation
I would like to give our lady an Excellent rating because she is an Excellent educator and teacher. She was very good in leading our lessons, giving us the extra exercises and presenting the grammar in a very structured and synthesized way.
German, A2.2
So far I am impressed with the patience, responsiveness, diligence, and attention I receive from our teacher. An exceptional teacher, I say this from the position of a teacher with over 30 years experience. A heartfelt thank you! I did not expect to have so much knowledge and develop my reading, speaking and writing skills in German after two weeks of training.
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